The Pit and the Pendulum - Vocabulary
Autos-da-fe: Ceremony of burning people
Blade: Sharp edge used for cutting
Choked: Made difficult to breathe
Craved: Had a strong desire
Crawled: out Came out slowly
Damp: A bit wet
Dungeon: Dark prison underground
Faint: Lose consciousness
Fungus: Plant that feeds on decaying produce
Gasped: Caught one's breath to show surprise or horror
Glow: A steady light
Groped: Moved hands to feel for something that can't see
Outstretched: Extended
Razor: A metal instrument with a sharp edge, used for shaving
Rub: Spread something over a surface
Shrink: away Move away
Slippery: Smooth and difficult to walk on
Spiced: Containing a lot of spices
Strap: A narrow piece of leather
Tore off: Removed roughly
Writhed: Twisted and turned in pain

Choked: Made difficult to breathe
Craved: Had a strong desire
Crawled: out Came out slowly
Damp: A bit wet
Dungeon: Dark prison underground
Faint: Lose consciousness
Fungus: Plant that feeds on decaying produce
Gasped: Caught one's breath to show surprise or horror
Glow: A steady light
Groped: Moved hands to feel for something that can't see
Outstretched: Extended
Razor: A metal instrument with a sharp edge, used for shaving
Rub: Spread something over a surface
Shrink: away Move away
Slippery: Smooth and difficult to walk on
Spiced: Containing a lot of spices
Strap: A narrow piece of leather
Tore off: Removed roughly
Writhed: Twisted and turned in pain
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