Diplomacy: The skill of dealing with people in difficult situations without upsetting them. Rudeness: Bad manners and a lack of respect for others. Etiquette: Rules for behavior in society. Bookmark: To mark some websites in internet. Politeness: Good manners and respect for others. Tradition: A belief or way of doing something which has existed for some time. Insist: to be emphatic, firm, or resolute on some matter of desire, demand, intention, etc. Consideration: The quality of being sensitive to others and thinking about their feelings. Deny: say that something is false. Boast: to speak with exaggeration and excessive pride, especially about oneself. State: set forth formally. Appreciation: Enjoyment from something that is good quality. Netiquette: Rules of acceptable behavior for writing blogs posts... Rank: The position that someone has in an organisation, society, etc.